Tuesday, January 11, 2011

NCC Sent off 2010

Finally after those funny and good exams my NCC life was getting over, I got many good experience through it most of all I got many friend. I was happy and sad at the same time, happy because I don’t have to get up early during Saturdays and go for parade, sad because I was leaving an entire world of fun. Sometimes we have to give up achieving bigger things. We had NCC sent off on 20 March 2010 and I did the MC for that day, usually we should have given it to the juniors but my senior Sussky insisted that I should do it. Then I thought let it be because it is the last time that NCC is giving me another opportunity.

     The program went well and Principal was our chair person. Many of the seniors gave a last speech and same way juniors expressed their sincere gratitude. Then our Ex-seniors gave one of the seniors for the most dedicated cadet, Sajna was the most dedicated cadet that year. That concept was brought by the Ex-seniors only.

      After that program we had ice cream distribution, and seniors ate ice cream as if they never had ice cream in their life. It was getting late and was 4pm. We soon went to Muzhappilangad beach to enjoy and play in the sunset. After spending a long time there, we returned back. That’s it NCC is over for me. Only thing which remain is just some memories in my heart. I miss NCC and it is a great place to be in.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't read this Blog.........
    but i really appreciate your initiative and great effort to write down all these thinks.....
